Sofia Simachew
I am a very happy person because of the tremendous change that Help a life Foundation has made possible in my life. I had a very harsh life before I was accepted to Project Blue where my basic needs were not met. Both of my parents had died and left me in charge of living on my own with only neighbors overseeing me. This made going to school very difficult.
Today, I have food and shelter and I am also going to school. I am also working hard on chemistry and biology because when I finish high school I want to go to college to become a doctor.
I have just graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Stream) from the University of Gondar in Ethiopia where I am the first woman who graduated with the highest honors at the Institute of Technology with a CPA of 3.94.
I originally wanted to become a Doctor but switched my focus to Engineering after I found I was good at Math and Science along with enjoying the challenges of Engineering. I was questioned by many people along the way who told me Mechanical Engineering was too difficult of a career for a woman and the chances of failure were very high which also inspired me to make sure I succeeded. I was awarded a laptop and mobile phone along with quite a few recognition awards over the course of my 5 years at the University and now have been granted the assistant lecturer (BSC) position at the University of Gondar.
In appreciation of the opportunities I have received from Help a Life Foundation, my mission is on helping other girls especially those who do not have the ability to continue their education because of financial or family matters. Thank you, Help a Life Foundation, for all the opportunities you have given me to make my dreams come true.